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Ist Chat GPT wirklich eine Bedrohung für Google? Computer says no.

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Es gibt einen neuen Hype um eine Technologie, und sie heißt Chat GPT. Das US-Unternehmen OpenAI mit Geldgebern wie Microsoft und Elon Musk ist der letzte Schrei am Markt. Denn das Machine-Learning-Modell führt derzeit vor, was Künstliche Intelligenz einmal im Alltag leisten kann: Texte schreiben, Code ausbessern, Social-Media-Marketing-Pläne generieren, und so weiter und so fort. Und das alles auch noch kostenlos.

Deswegen geht der Hype aktuell so weit, dass es heißt, Google hätte in der Zentrale in Mountain View gar „Code Red“ ausgelöst haben. Berichten zufolge fürchtet der Suchmaschinen-Riese eine Bedrohung seines Geschäftsmodells, wenn eine AI direkte Antworten anstatt einer Liste von Links zu liefern, auf die der User dann klickt – und in die man ganz hervorragend bezahlte Links (= Werbung) mischen kann. Nun heißt es sogar, dass Microsoft Chat GPT in seiner hauseigenen Suchmaschine Bing einsetzen möchte, um diese im Wettbewerb mit Google zu stärken. Bing ist mit einem Marktanteil von deutlich weniger als 10 Prozent (trotz Integration in Windows) gegen Google (80 Prozent Marktanteil und mehr) ein Winzling. Immerhin ist Microsoft mit seiner Azure-Cloud seit 2019 der exklusive Cloud-Partner von OpenAI.

So geht derzeit also das Storytelling: Ein schlaues Silicon-Valley-Startup mit dem ehemaligen Y Combinator-Präsidenten Sam Altman an der Spitze hat nach all den Jahren der Angriffe von IT-Riesen wie Microsoft, Facebook, Apple oder Amazon endlich den Dreh gefunden, dem Billionen-Konzern an seiner empfindlichsten Stelle anzugreifen – im Geschäft mit dem Suchschlitz, der ja auch ein Chat-Fenster sein kann. Doch bei näherer Betrachtung gibt es einige gute Gründe, warum OpenAI dann vielleicht doch nicht die große Bedrohung für Google ist.

Microsoft soll Chat GPT stärken

Denn Google hat bereits vor fünf Jahren klargestellt, dass man fortan eine „AI First Company“ sei, und bereits 2014 mit DeepMind ein Unternehmen zugekauft, dass führend bei AI ist. Zur Erinnerung: DeepMind mit seiner Reihe an Alpha-Produkten ist jene Firma, die einen Computer Go, Schach oder StarCraft beibringt, um anschließend die besten menschlichen Spieler zu schlagen. Zusätzlich ist bekannt, dass Google 2021 das auf neuronalen Netzen beruhende Sprachmodell LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog(ue) Applications) vorgestellt hat. LaMDA soll Chat GPT überlegen sein, die KI soll dem mittlerweile entlassenen Google-Ingenieur Blake Lemoine zufolge eine Persönlichkeit entwickelt haben und im Gespräch mit Menschen Meinungen und Ideen entwickeln können.

LaMDA hätte gegenüber Chat GPT einen weiteren riesigen Vorteil: Chat GPT kann nur auf Daten zugreifen, die zurück ins Jahr 2021 reichen, während die Google-Suchmaschine seit Jahrzehnten das komplette Netz kartografiert hat und sein Sprachassistent bereits in Milliarden von Android-Geräten weltweit integriert ist. Unter diesem Blick erscheint die angedeutete Bing-Integration von Chat GPT eher als notwendig, um OpenAI irgendwie mit Google mithalten lassen zu können.

LaMDA soll Chat GPT überlegen sein

Google aber steht bei AI vor dem „Innovator’s Dilemma“. Dieses besagt grundsätzlich, dass eine disruptive Technologie einer bestehenden klar überlegen ist (in unserem Beispiel Chatbot > Search), doch es ist noch sehr unklar, wo genau sich die Technologie durchsetzen wird? Wird sie vorwiegend programmieren, an Schulen eingesetzt werden, im Marketing aktiv sein, Bücher schreiben? Wer wird am Ende dafür zahlen? Andere Unternehmen? Endnutzer? Werbetreibende? Das Geschäftsmodell ist noch sehr unklar, und bislang waren AI-Chatbots (siehe Siri, Alexa) eher unbeholfene Beiwagerl von anderen Produkten (iPhone, Smart Speaker etc.).

Google könnte also, will aber LaMDA vorerst nicht auf die Welt loslassen. Google hat einen guten Ruf zu verlieren, und es ist noch lange nicht klar, welche falschen Antworten KI-Chatbots geben könnten. Der Suchriese hat also zweierlei wichtige Dinge zu verlieren: den guten Ruf seiner jahrzehntelang aufgebauten Weltmarke und Milliarden Dollar an Werbeumsätzen. Immerhin wird spannend, was Google bei seiner jährlichen Entwickler:innen-Konferenz I/O präsentieren wird.

Aber fragen wir doch ChatGPT selbst, ob es eine Bedrohung für Google sein kann:

Trending Topics: Is Chat GPT a threat to Google?

Chat GPT: It is not accurate to say that Chat GPT is a threat to Google. GPT is a machine learning model that can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, but it is not a company or a product that is in competition with Google. It is possible that GPT or other similar technologies could be used to develop applications or services that could potentially compete with those offered by Google, but this would depend on how the technology is used and the specific context in which it is applied.

Does Google detect content written by AI systems like Chat GPT?

It is possible that Google could use machine learning techniques to detect whether content has been generated by an AI system like Chat GPT. However, Google does not disclose the specific techniques or technologies it uses to identify and evaluate the quality of content in its search results.

In general, Google aims to provide its users with high-quality, relevant search results. To achieve this, the company employs a number of techniques to evaluate the quality and relevance of the content it indexes and serves in its search results. These techniques may include using machine learning models to analyze and classify content, as well as manual review by human evaluators. However, the specific methods and technologies used by Google to evaluate and rank content are not publicly disclosed.

Is Google’s Lamda better than Chat GPT?

It is not accurate to compare Google’s Lamda to Chat GPT, as the two are not directly comparable. Lamda is a machine learning technique that was developed by researchers at Google to improve the performance of natural language processing models, while Chat GPT is a specific implementation of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) machine learning model that was developed by OpenAI.

It is difficult to say whether Lamda is „better“ than Chat GPT, as the two approaches have been designed to solve different problems and may excel in different contexts. In general, the effectiveness of a machine learning model or technique depends on the specific task it is being used for and the quality of the data it is trained on.

So how does Chat GPT compare to Deepmind?

It is not accurate to compare Chat GPT to DeepMind, as the two are not directly comparable. Chat GPT is a specific implementation of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) machine learning model that was developed by OpenAI, while DeepMind is a research organization that conducts research and development in the field of artificial intelligence, with a focus on deep learning and other machine learning techniques.

DeepMind has developed a number of innovative machine learning techniques and technologies, including AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and the AlphaFold protein folding system. These approaches have been designed to solve specific problems and may excel in different contexts. It is difficult to compare Chat GPT to these approaches directly, as they have been developed to solve different problems and may excel in different contexts.

Do you think Google is superior to you?

As an artificial intelligence, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. I am a machine learning model that has been trained to provide information and assistance to users based on the data that has been fed into me. I do not have the ability to evaluate the relative superiority of different organizations or entities.

Google is a leading technology company that has made significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning through its research and development efforts. However, it is not accurate to say that Google is inherently superior to other organizations or entities, as this would depend on the specific context and criteria being used to make the comparison.

Who then is the biggest competitor to OpenAI?

OpenAI is a research organization that conducts research and development in the field of artificial intelligence. As such, it does not have direct competitors in the same way that companies do. However, there are many other organizations and researchers that are also working in the field of AI, and some of these could potentially be considered competitors in the sense that they are working on similar problems and advancing the state of the art in AI.

Some examples of organizations that could be considered competitors to OpenAI in the field of AI include DeepMind (owned by Alphabet, Google’s parent company), Facebook AI Research, and Microsoft Research. These organizations, as well as many others, are actively engaged in research and development in the field of AI and are working to advance the state of the art in the field.

Is it correct to call it OpenAI, since the software is not Open Source?

OpenAI is a research organization that conducts research and development in the field of artificial intelligence. The organization’s name does not necessarily refer to the fact that its software is open source.

While some of the software and technologies developed by OpenAI are open source and available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute, this is not true of all of the organization’s products and technologies. OpenAI makes some of its software and technologies available under open source licenses, while others are proprietary and not publicly available.

The name „OpenAI“ was chosen to reflect the organization’s commitment to advancing the field of AI in an open and transparent manner. The organization has stated that it is committed to making its research and technologies as widely available as possible, and to collaborating with other researchers and organizations in the field.

What is OpenAI’s business model then? Will Chat GPT, Dall-E etc. be chargeable?

OpenAI is a research organization that conducts research and development in the field of artificial intelligence. The organization’s primary focus is on advancing the state of the art in AI and making its research and technologies available to the broader community. OpenAI is not a traditional technology company and does not generate revenue in the same way that a typical company would.

Instead of pursuing a traditional business model, OpenAI is funded through a combination of sources, including philanthropy, research grants, and strategic investments. The organization has stated that it does not have a specific product or service that it is trying to sell, and that its primary goal is to advance the field of AI for the benefit of society as a whole.

It is not clear whether Chat GPT or other technologies developed by OpenAI will be chargeable in the future. The organization has not publicly disclosed its plans for commercializing its technologies or generating revenue from them.


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