Bitcoin And Ethereum Prices Have Doubled Since The Beginning Of The Year

Since the beginning of April, Bitcoin and Co. prices are again so volatile, that some observers might feel that they’ve traveled back in time to the overheated phase in 2017. At that time Bitcoin grew around $1,000 almost daily, until at the end of the flagpole $20K was reached and the bubble collapsed again.
At least Bitcoin is on the rise again. Since the beginning of the year – at that time BTC was around $3.75K – the Bitcoin value has more than doubled. BTC is currently at around $8.7K after a weekend push and was about to exceed the $9K mark.
BTC dominates the market
BTC continues to dominate the market. Out of the $270B that all exchange-traded crypto-assets make together, $154B (almost 60%) goes to Bitcoin’s cap. The market domination of BTC is thus higher than at the beginning of the year. In other words: When fresh money flows into the market, investors tend to buy Bitcoin first.
The number two on the market, Ethereum, has again clearly stabilized in second place on the charts and is, in terms of market cap, well ahead of the number three, XRP. ETH, like Bitcoin, also had an exciting year behind it. Since the beginning of 2019, its price has doubled (at that time $ 133) and is currently at $ 268. Just over 10% of the total market goes to ETH. The market capitalization of Ethereum is more than $ 28B.
Litecoin and Binance Coin
Currently, almost all other crypto assets are clearly positive. Litecoin (LTC) is particularly popular at the moment – the traded volume of the last 24 hours is significantly higher than that of Bitcoin Cash (BCH), EOS or XRP. One of the most exciting newcomers in recent months is Binance Coin (BNB) – the token that allows you to pay fees on the large exchange and invest in IEOs (Initial Exchange Offerings).