#EuropeansAgainstWar: Together as a sign against the war!

We sit distraught in front of the screens, see bomb attacks, tanks, fighter planes and watch in amazement as Russia wages a war of aggression in the middle of Europe. At the same time, we read that a new wave of refugees is now threatening. Caritas is already anticipating 2.9 million people in Ukraine who are dependent on humanitarian aid.
With the ongoing aggression of Putin and his Russian troops against the neighboring country, more and more people are asking the question: How can I do something? We asked entrepreneurs and founders about this and invite everyone to submit their statements and ideas here:
Janice Goodenough, founder of Hydrogrid
“Together with the entire world, HYDROGRID stands in shock and solidarity with the people of #ukraine as they defend their country, and we extend our support also to the common people of Russia who we believe want nothing but peace – But words of support and solidarity are not enough. That is why HYDROGRID has given a donation corresponding to 1% of our monthly revenues to Austrian aid organisation Caritas which provides humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine.We encourage others to do the same.“
“It is incredibly sad to see the suffering an autocrat causes to satisfy his thirst for power. My deepest sympathy goes to all those affected by this war and I hope that the war can be ended soon through resolute action. I think the EU’s solidarity and united approach is good, but the EU should also critically question how large its share of Russia’s power is. For example, 39% of the EU’s gas imports and 27% of its oil imports come from Russia. Russia generates 40% of its tax revenue from oil and gas. I think these facts show how important it is to phase out oil and gas as quickly as possible, not only in terms of solving the climate crisis, but also in terms of less economic dependence and support for autocratic states like Russia.
Markus Raunig, AustrianStartups
“After this sad comeback of imperialism, solidarity and help for the people of Ukraine are most important now. Whether through donations, in kind or support for refugees, it is now up to all of us to deliver a strong European response.”
Philip Billaudelle, Co-Founder Exakt Health
“After decades of peace, a war in Europe seemed out of the question. Putin has shaken us from our good faith in the permanence of peace. It is now important to do everything possible to defend peace and self-determination in Ukraine and to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian population. Also using our economic prosperity in Germany. We owe that to our European fellow citizens in Ukraine.”
Raphael Jochmann, Head of Campus and Country Coordination Talent Garden Austria
“The events of the last few days have left me speechless and stunned. It is incomprehensible to me why the interests of a few should be pursued at the expense of millions of innocent people in deeply brutal and inhumane ways. #FuckWar
The Talent Garden Austria team has therefore decided to donate 100% of the ticket income from the Talent Garden Innovators Week, which takes place at the end of May, to initiatives to support the Ukrainian civilian population.”
Paul Polterauer, co-founder of Meta Nanos
“I ask people not only to express their horror at the current situation via social media, but also to actively support the local people! Maybe the crypto community can put some of their crypto profits to good use as well. Here are three links where this is possible. The first one was sent to me by a Ukrainian friend, the other two are Austrian organizations that support people in Ukraine.
- https://savelife.in.ua/donate/
- https://nachbarinnot.orf.at/?story=313
- https://www.caritas.at/spenden-helfen/auslandshilfe/katastrophenhilfe/laender-brennpunkte/ukraine
Thomas Zeinzinger, Team Lead of Minerva Wallet
“Yesterday I unfortunately had to watch how dangerous autocrats are and just like that they attack a peaceful country. The Russian rulers and not the Russian people started this war, and suffering is affecting the peoples of both countries. On the other hand, I am pleased to see how great the solidarity is in Europe and how much civil support is spontaneously organized for the Ukrainian refugees. We too will consider where we can provide financial support so that the suffering can be alleviated.”
Jubin Honarfar, Co-Founder and CEO at whatchado
“It is sad and a shame that we are still witnessing wars. The majority pays a heavy price for the interests of the few. And civilians are the ones who suffer. It’s important to both support financially now by donating, but also not to misjudge the power of facts and truth and share them through social media so that fake news cannot dominate.”
Daniel Horak, Founder & Managing Partner at Conda
“It is incredibly sad and painful to see what is happening in Ukraine right now. Russia’s aggression must be unequivocally condemned and, as in any war, civilians must deal with and suffer the dramatic consequences. Friends and families in our direct environment are affected – we worry and try to help. Therefore, we at Conda have decided to support the civilian population in Ukraine: From today on we will donate EUR 1 for every investment for the next seven days, for investments of €1,000 or more we will donate EUR 10 to the Red Cross for the “Humanitarian Help in Ukraine.”
Ben Ruschin, Managing Partner at Big Cheese Ventures
“What we are experiencing is inhuman and an indictment of humanity. My appeal to startups: Make a contribution to help the people affected, regardless of whether you donate financial resources (e.g. Caritas), provide premises for refugees or support them with benefits in kind. It is our responsibility to help people in need – NOW!”
Armand Colard, Founder of Cleanvest
“The shock is deep. The fact that something like this is possible in 2022 is shocking, and for me it is also a clear sign of how important democracy and global cohesion are. In our daily work with the financial markets, we work on an energy transition and on promoting global peace. Both are issues that represent an important counterweight to Russia’s aggressive act.”
Kosima Kovar, Founder of sgreening & Ada
“Europe and the whole world should declare war against poverty, hunger, gender inequality, climate change and a lack of education. Fight together instead of each other! #togethersustainable My agency sgreening donates directly to women and children in Ukraine.”
Maurice Beurskens, CEO of gurkerl.at
“The steps taken by Russia stunned me. I have no words for this course of action, which I deeply condemn. I sincerely hope that humanity and peace will triumph again. Until then, it is all our responsibility to help the people of Ukraine as best we can. That is why gurkerl.at donates the entire margin of all orders received by gurkerl.at on February 25th, 2022 to people in need in Ukraine. To this end, we are again cooperating with the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna and are transferring the total margin to them as a donation.”
Jakob Reiter, Partner at TheVentury
“The war in Ukraine is an unnecessary human disaster brought on by one individual’s fantasies of power and fear of loss. It is repugnant that “war of aggression” can still happen in the 21st century, especially in Europe. I hope for a strong and unified response from the EU and its neighboring countries to make it clear that such behavior cannot be tolerated either under international law or morally. There must be consequences. Until then, I hope that the unnecessary suffering of the Ukrainian people will be minimal.”
Johannes Braith, CEO of Storebox
“War on European soil. Having to experience something like that is an unbelievable catastrophe that only produces losers. The actions of the aggressor Russia must be resolutely rejected and sanctioned with full force. As a startup ecosystem, this is of course only possible to a limited extent. The first resignations of prominent personalities from Austria with regard to positions close to the state in Russian companies have already taken place. I expect a clear edge here and further demarcation from business people from Europe. We have to stand together in Europe now and at least try to help in any way we can. This can be done here, for example: https://www.caritas-international.de/hilfeweltweit/europa/ukraine/inlandsvertriebene
Bastian Kellhofer, Co-Founder of Trending Topics
“It is an indictment of mankind that after the terrible experiences of the past century, territorial conflicts are still being resolved by force of arms and children are once again spending the night in air raid shelters in the middle of Europe and having to say goodbye to their fathers without the certainty of their return.”
Jakob Steinschaden, Co-Founder of Trending Topics
“It is unbelievable to have to watch in 2022 how an overwhelming opponent descends on a smaller neighboring country. Millions of people are already fleeing Russian troops. In such a situation, one feels helpless as a media consumer, and in fact there is nothing one can do to change the tragic situation. At least you can donate money, for example to Caritas , to help the fleeing people at least a little. #FuckWar!”
If you want to be included with your statement in this article, please send a mail to feedback@trendingtopics.at, and we will add yours asap!