Web Design And Coding Are The Most Popular Freelance Jobs. But Are They The Best Paid Ones?

Freedom, flexible working hours, only the fun work, great income… Isn’t that what everyone thinks of freelancing.
The results from a new report by payment provider Payoneer show that freelancing provides attractive earning potential that in some cases exceeds average wages, especially in emerging economies. Over 7000 freelancers from all over the world have participated in the survey, ad here are some key takeaways.
The freelancers’ scene is rather young with close to 70% of the respondents being under the age of 35, and 21% even under 21. Most likely to do exclusively freelancing are people at the beginning or at the end of their career, in the other cases freelancing supplements a company job.
The worldwide average hourly rate charged by freelancers is $21, an increase with $2 since 2018, and significantly above the average hourly salary on the countries, the respondents are based.
The most popular fields are tech and creative: with programming, IT and web design being at the top of the ranking. Yet, this doesn’t mean at all that these are also the best paid. Indeed, the oversaturation in some fields has led to a drop in hourly rates. So for everyone looking for either a benchmark or inspiration for new freelance activity, these statistics might be a useful reality check: